The heavily armored Warp Wagon, with armor and weapons arrays protecting the vulnerable parts of the phase engine, held upward in this mode.
The front of the Wagon opens to reveal the pilot's cockpit/control room. Only a small amount of this space is used for the pilot and his controls. The rest is used for computers and display screens that I don't have the parts to adequately represent, for the moment.
How the pilot gets out.
The rear of the vehicle, which is also well armed. Unfortunately, I have not found a way to protect the phase engines from this angle. Doing so in a normal way would interfere with the transformation. Perhaps the exterior of the engines, themselves, are armored?
Begin the transformation by lifting a beam attached to the engines.
The rear wall falls in order to reveal secondary phase engines, while the primary phase engines drop just above them. A path between the secondary engines allows troops to get in and out of the wagon by lifting the primary engines.
Two beams on top of the secondary engines swing out and attach to the sides of the wagon, stabilizing the structure for launch.
The attack party within the wagon, viewable by lifting the primary engines. Joints in the roof allow it to swing out to make it easier to move figures around in such a confined space, but I forgot to picture this. To the rear and in the center, two of those display consoles swing out to allow the pilot to move into the rear of the wagon. Normally, the two cabins are separated in case of an armor breach while traveling at mach speed.