The outside of the Rebel Tower. Not much to see here but a bunch of weapons powerful enough to launch an impressive defense and negate any incoming fire at the same time. On the top, two lasers mounted on green rotating platforms can rotate 360 degrees horizontal and nearly 180 degrees vertical. Though regrettably so, they're so movable that they're actually capable of firing on one another.
The main (and only) door opens, allowing entrance to a rebel craft.
Once the rebel craft is stored safely within the garage/hangar area, the elevator lowers to the ground floor, allowing the pilot access to the rest of the tower.
Once the pilot is safely inside, the elevator security latch closes. The purpose of the elevator (as well as the entire tower structure) is to serve as a form of security from outside attackers. In the event of an invasion on the first level, there's no way to get up without entering the elevator (which is highly vulnerable to attacks from all sides). As a result, the higher the need for security, the higher the level. The most sensitive areas are on the top floor.
The elevator rises to the second floor, where security latches lower to hold the elevator in place. In reality, the top of the shaft is designed so that the car can only fall back down a little more than half the length it climbed without being pulled. This means that if you lift the elevator up to the top (4th floor), it will naturally fall back to the second floor. The security latches just steady the car and hold it in place.
Once locked in place, the elevator can still rotate 360 degrees on its base, allowing the passanger to exit to either side of the elevator car.
Our pilot exits on the 2nd floor, left wing. This is the engineering section. One would think engineering would be a particularly sensitive area, but its controls can be locked out and remote controlled from the command center on the top floor.
A better look at the engineering section. Note the emergency rifles stored on the right hand side of the picture. The beam they're attached to can swing down to allow access to them. In the event of an attack, the engineering section is the first line of defense against first level intruders.
The Engineering section also has a lip that connects the two wings. No other floor has this, since it would interfere with one's ability to control the elevator. This "lip" section features the main power source, power interface, and two parts replicators. Both are guarded by protective force shields that can only be deactivated when the propper passcode is entered on the control console.
On the other side (2nd floor, right wing) is the mess hall, complete with food replicator and table. Unfortunately, it won't comfortably accomodate more than three at a time.
Our pilot catches the elevator from the other side, this time.
Up to 3rd floor, left wing. These are the general quarters. Three bunkbeds and a general storage area to the rear house off-duty rebels.
But our pilot didn't come here to sleep! He knows that this is the first and only toy set ever to feature a bathroom area! (I tried to include one in the A207, but couldn't find the space). Though I couldn't find the right pieces to build a toilet or shower, this should be sufficient space for both.
On these non-connected floors, our pilot must use the elevator to cross to the other side. This is an intentional security precaution, as well as a privacy issue for those sleeping in the general quarters.
Whoops! Look like there's already a training session in progress in the rec room. Though this room is not a high enough security concern to be so far above ground level, it's no more of a concern than the mess hall, which is taking up the same space on the floor below. It also requires four walls, and the mess hall does not.
Up another level to the main command center, 4th floor, right wing. Here is where weapons and communications are controlled, as well as the experimental teleporter room in the left wing.
The experimental teleporter room, 4th floor, left wing, is the true and hidden reason for the Rebel Tower's existence. Still in its developmental stages, the room can be used in desperate attacks against the Empire, as well as experimental trials which will one day perfect teleportation for the entire Rebel Alliance. The dish at the far side of the room encompasses the room's contents into a nearly matterless phase bubble which can then be directed through the tower's communications systems, only to rematerialize wherever the transmission is sent. Obviously, this has a limited, but undetermined range of operation.
The top of the elevator shaft. This area is intentionally littered with little blue connector nobs upon which the loop at the top of the elevator cable can be hooked. This allows the elevator to remain in place on any given floor while you attach the elevator security latches. In the event of an accidental freefall from a higher level, the cable will usually catch on a closer stub and stop the elevator. If this fails to happen, the elevator will still fall to only a little more than half of the shaft's length.