It's a biiiiig ship, and yet it still doesn't really contain everything a functioning starship would need. I've still got a few unused inches left on my dining room table, so maybe another update will eventually follow.
View from the back.
The Bridge section is almost entirely unchanged from the ISC Maverick.
But whereas the ship once ended beyond that access hatch, it's just getting started now.
This is the Engineering section.
Adjacent are some minimal crew quarters. Four bunks, and a window for viewing the majesty of space.
I cannot stop using these rotating access hatches. They are so much fun.
Mess hall/conference room/all-purpose recreational area. On a ship this small, there isn't a lot of open space, so this is the most spacious off-duty area for the crew.
This side includes food replicators and an area for limited recreational play and hologram simulations, as well as a place for the entire crew to stand should a full meeting ever be necessary.
And the other side includes a table and six chairs for eating and for smaller meetings.
The final section can be used either as a shuttlebay or cargo storage area.
The shuttle bay door would be able to rest on the roof if there was one.
With such a tight playset, I wanted to make sure I could provide as much space as possible for access and play, so unlocking the two swinging beams pictured above grants far greater access to the Mess hall/conference room/all-purpose recreational area behind the shuttle bay/cargo area.
Much more open.
But then we can unlock two more swinging beams...
And raise the port warp nacelle...
And suddenly we have access to the Engineering/crew quarters section as well.
Truly, I think I've succeeded in creating a starship playset with many intricate spaces that are all easily accessible for play. It wouldn't be hard to keep this concept going with an even larger ship, but then I have to wonder where the heck I would store it!