As you might be able to tell, this thing doesn't really look like it belongs in the Star Wars Universe. All the same, the figures work perfectly.
The A207 from the outside, featuring a large array of weapons. The yellow circles in the center upper section project force fields which envelope that section against direct blasts. The curviture of the main area helps to deflect impact in the case of a force field failure. The green deflector grid on the lower portion uses force fields to level out the ground in front of the fortress for ease of movement. The manned laser cannons at the top left and right are fully rotatable 360 degrees horizontal and over 90 degrees vertical.
A size comparison, using a 24" tall Shogun Warriors Great Mazinga.
The roof, feauturing a landing pad for vertical launch capable fighter jets. The door in the rear leads to the pilots' quarters, as well as to an access hatch with a ladder leading down into the main fortress.
The interior, from afar.
Captain's quarters, 3rd floor left wing. Complete with viewer screen, personal food replicator (not fully visable), bed, and storage area below bed. These quarters are located directly off of the landing platform, with quick access to the engineering level, and not far from the command level.
General crew's quarters, 2nd floor left wing. Complete with holographic games table, two beds, and storage area beneath. Crew rotations should never require more than three general crew members to be off duty at one time. Up to two can sleep and two can play at the table at one time. These quarters are located directly off of the main engineering section, with quick access to the command level.
Pilots' quarters, 3rd floor right wing. Pilots must be on call at all times, but are seldom tapped into action. These quarters allow two pilots to rotate 6 hour shifts with a viewscreen, bed, storage area beneath, and personal food replicator. These quarters are located directly off of the landing pad, with quick access to the engineering level.
Engineers' quarters, 2nd floor right wing. Identical to the general crews' quarters, this area is reserved for the five general engineers and engineer chief that rotate 6 hour shifts. These quarters are located directly off of the main engineering section.
Engineering level, 2nd floor.
Main engine, with the main computer hub and automated R2 unit docking stations to the rear. The two yellow squares on the floor behind the main engine (barely visable) can be used as transporter pads.
Another view of the engineering level, with display screens (only one is on), manual engineering interface, engineering control consoles, parts replicator, and magnetically sealable door leading to crews quarters (can be locked in case of invasion or other emergency).
Command level, 1st floor. With primary command chair and two attached helm and fortress operations console (with swing-up display panels so that operators can get in and out), backup engine (rear of command chair), main and secondary display screens, and primary food replicators to the left. To the right, but not visable, is the main door, which opens like a draw bridge and can only be activated from the inside. Incidentally, someone needs to wake up those slacker helm and fortress operations officers.
Overhead view of command chair.
Secondary view screens can lower and function as dining tables (during non emergencies in which the primary viewscreen is all that's needed. The primary viewscreen is raised in this picture, but can be lowered when necessary. The secondary viewscreens can also be used as medical beds when necessary, though doing so is not preferable.
Pilot leaving from pilots' quarters.